Item: A17
Army/Waffen SS issue ‘Infanterie Sturmabzeichen’ (Infantry Assault Badge) in Silver. Very nice condition and with crisp detail. Reverse stamped (although slightly miss-stamped and off the edge) with the maker ‘SH u Co’ of Oberstein. The criteria for the award were: To have taken part in 3 or more infantry assaults. To have taken part in 3 or more infantry counter attacks or the combination of this and the above. To have taken part in 3 or more armed reconnaissance operations.

Item: A9
German 1st October. 1938(Sudetenland) Commemorative Medal in excellent condition and comes with its original, slightly faded ribbon. The medal was instituted on 18 October 1938, and awarded to German military personnel who participated in the occupation of Sudetenland and the occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939.

Item: A31
Cross of Honour 1914-18 or 'Hindenburg Cross' Set of 3 in excellent and almost un-issued condition and complete with ribbons. Combatants Cross (Maker stamped with indistinct logo within a triangle), Non-Combatants Cross (Maker stamped G13) and Black 'Next of Kin' (maker stamped RS). This was Germany's first official service medal awarded during WW2 for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Political & Civil Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A28
‘Wehrmacht –Dienstauszeichnungen’ Army ‘4’ Year Long Service Award. Excellent almost un-issued condition. Service awards were instituted on 16 march 1936; exactly one year after Hitler introduced military service throughout Germany. Issued in four classes including 4, 12, 18 and 25 years of service. Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Military Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A21
VERY scarce 'Mine Rescue Service Decoration' (Grubenwehr-Ehrenzeichen) and ribbon and COMPLETE with its original award certificate (Gehilfen-Prüfungszeugnis) & booklet (Gesellenbrief). Awarded in September 1943 to: Josef Blaumauer, Technischer Zeichner (Technical Illustrator) at Reichswerke AG Alpine Montanbetriebe “Hermann Göring” Linz. (Hermann Göring Mines in Linz/Donau). Very seldom see award, especially with its documentation. The Mine Rescue Service Decoration was awarded for 15 years service, for injury in the line of duty, performed outstanding service, particularly at the risk of their lives.

Item: A8
Third Reich ‘Day Badge’ or ‘Tinnie’. ‘Weihnachten in Jedem Deutscher Haus. Wir Helfen!’ (For a Christmas celebration in every German House. We gave!).

Item: A14
Very nice Cross of Honour with Swords (Combatants) 1914-18 or 'Hindenburg Cross' complete with ribbon and original pin. Stamped with the award maker: 'L.NBG' for Christian Lauer, Nürnberg. This award and ribbon is in excellent, almost un-issued condition with crisp detail. This award was Germany's first official service medal awarded during WW2 for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war, and where they had since died it was also awarded to their surviving next-of-kin in Black form.

Item: A6
A scarcer and very nice Cross of Honour (non-Combatants) 1914-18 or 'Hindenburg Cross' complete with ribbon. There were only 1,120,449 medals issued for non-combatants, compared to the  6,202,883 issued for Combatants. Stamped with the award maker: 'W' for Hermann Wernstein, Jena-Lobstedt. This award and ribbon is in excellent, almost un-issued condition with crisp detail. This award was Germany's first official service medal awarded during WW2 for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war, and where they had since died it was also awarded to their surviving next-of-kin in Black form.​

Item: A2
Very nice and highly detailed mid to late war zinc made General Assault Badge. About 60% of its silver finish remains. Very nice award apart from a broken needle ‘hook’ on the rear catch. The General Assault Badge (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen) was a military decoration awarded during World War II to personnel of the German Army, Waffen-SS and Ordnungspolizei (Order Police) who supported an infantry attack but were not part of specific infantry units and therefore did not qualify for the Infantry Assault Badge. It was instituted by General Walther von Brauchitsch on 1 June 1940. Photograph for reference and not for sale.

Item: A3
Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps or NSFK (The National Socialist Flyers Corps) non-portable Bronze Award for 'Nationalsocialitisches fliegerkorps Deutschlandflug 1938' (National Socialist Air Corps Germany Flight 1938). Serial numbered 1092. Back reads: “Mit Unserem Führer, Im Gleichen Schritt, Und Tritt, Fliegen Wir Fur Unser Ewiges Deutschland”(With Our Leader, In Same Step, And Kick, We Fly For Our Eternal Germany). 9.5x8cm

Item: A19
Medal grouping consisting of Cross of Honour 1914-18 or 'Hindenburg Cross' with Swords (combatants) in excellent condition, complete with ribbon and maker stamped 'G3'. Also with Citation and family portrait issued 11th September 1934 to: Anton Wimmer of Koblenz. This was Germany's first official service medal awarded during WW2 for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war, and where they had since died it was also awarded to their surviving next-of-kin.

Item: A7
Wehrmacht/Waffen SS ‘Verwundetenabzeichen’ (Wound Badge) in Black (3rd class, representing Iron), for those wounded once or twice by hostile action (including air raids). Stamped with ‘111’ on the rear sword tip for the maker: Ziemer & Söhne, Oberstein. It was awarded to members in the armed forces and the auxiliary service organisations during World War II. After March 1943, due to the increasing number of allied bombings, it was also awarded to civilians wounded in air raids. It was awarded when the wound was the result of enemy hostile action.

Item: A22
World War 1. 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse’ (Iron Cross 2nd class) in clean condition and complete with ribbon. The Iron Cross 2nd class, commonly referred to by the German recipients as E.K.2. Emperor Wilhelm II reauthorized the Iron Cross on 5 August 1914, at the start of World War I. Nice example..

Item: A23
The War Merit Cross (Kriegsverdienstkreuz) with Swords (Combatants). Complete with ribbon & small Bow Ribbon for wear on female uniform. This award was created by Adolf Hitler in October 1939 as a successor to the non-combatant Iron Cross which was used in earlier wars (similar medal but with a different ribbon). The award was graded the same as the Iron Cross: War Merit Cross Second Class, War Merit Cross First Class, and Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross. The award had two variants: with swords given to soldiers for exceptional service, not in direct connection with combat, and without swords given to civilians for meritorious service in ‘furtherance of the war effort’.

Item: A20
‘Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung Ordenskreuz’ (Police Long Service Cross) 2nd class in silver for 18 years. 43mm Cross suspended on cornflower blue ribbon in ‘court mounted’ form, with silver woven Eagle & Swastika to ribbon and complete with makers label on the rear for Berlin maker. Very nicely mounted and weighty award. Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Political & Civil Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A26
‘‘Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse’ (Iron Cross 1st Class). Non-maker marked award. Instituted on 1st September 1939. Authorised for 3-5 acts of bravery in combat beyond the normal fulfilment of duty. Awarded to all members of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS or those organisational personnel in direct support of the military. Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Political & Civil Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A11
German Kriegsmarine (Navy) late war issue zinc made ‘U-Boot Kriegsabzeichen’ (Submarine War Badge). Good condition. Slight traces of the guilt finish can still be seen. A non-maker-marked award as was pretty standard of the late war produced awards. 

Item: A27
The War Merit Cross set of 2 (Kriegsverdienstkreuz) with Swords (Combatants) and without Swords (non-combatants). Complete with ribbons and both in crisp almost un-issued condition. This award was created by Adolf Hitler in October 1939 as a successor to the non-combatant Iron Cross which was used in earlier wars (similar medal but with a different ribbon). The award was graded the same as the Iron Cross: War Merit Cross Second Class, War Merit Cross First Class, and Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross. The award had two variants: with swords given to soldiers for exceptional service, not in direct connection with combat, and without swords given to civilians for meritorious service in ‘furtherance of the war effort’.

Item: A29
‘Wehrmacht –Dienstauszeichnungen’ Army ‘12’ Year Long Service Award. Excellent almost un-issued condition. service awards were instituted on 16 march 1936; exactly one year after Hitler introduced military service throughout Germany. Issued in four classes including 4, 12, 18 and 25 years of service. Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Military Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A18
Beautifully detailed and cased bronze Third Reich award ‘für Besondere Leistungen in der Tierzucht’ (For Special Services in Animal Breeding). Seldom seen item. Case embossed on the front with a gold Eagle & Swastika and stamped on the rear with the maker ‘Preuss. Staatsmunze. Berlin SW19’.

Item: A32
Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42’ (Medal for the Winter Campaign in Russia 1941-42). Commonly known among the Wehrmacht as the ‘Frozen Flesh Medal’. This award was introduced on the 26th of May 1942 to recognise those who participated in the first winter of Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the Soviet Union).  The mammoth endeavour to attain "living space in the east" for Germany employed over 3 million men separated into 3 Army groups; North (Leeb), Centre (Bock), and South (Rundstedt).

Item: A16
Third Reich issue Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse’ (Iron Cross 2nd class) complete with its ribbon. Very nice example with crisp detail. The Iron Cross 2nd class, commonly referred to by the German recipients as E.K.2. Awarded for outstanding service of combatant personnel and for bravery in the face of the enemy.I

Item: A5
Scarce heavy cast iron made award non-Portable award for Nationalsozialistischer Arbeitsdienst. (National Socialist German Labour Front) or ‘DAF’ Abteilung (Detachment) 5/215 for the town of Hückelhoven in Germany. Jahrgang (Year) 1935. The award measures 23 x 16cm and in excellent condition and complete with hanging loop. The German Labour Front was the National Socialist labour organisation that replaced the various independent trade unions in Germany after Adolf Hitler's rise to power.

Item: A25
Cross of Honour 1914-18 or 'Hindenburg Cross' with Swords (combatants) in excellent CRISP condition and complete with ribbon. Maker stamped 'BNL' for the maker: Berg & Nolte, Lüdenscheid. Germany. This was Germany's first official service medal awarded during WW2 for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war, and where they had since died it was also awarded to their surviving next-of-kin.

Item: A4
WW1 German Court Mounted awards group. 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse’ Iron Cross 2nd class & ‘Ehrenkreuz 1914-1918 für Frontkämpfer’ Cross of Honour for Combatants. Few moth nips otherwise good condition (see photographs). Cross of Honour stamped on the reverse with the maker: ‘R.V. 26 Pforzheim’. As the Iron Cross 2nd class awards would have been maker marked (if any) on the ribbon ring, this is impossible to determine.

Item: A12

Third Reich ‘Faithful Service Decoration’ (Treudienst Ehrenzeichen) 2nd class for 25 Years Award in very clean condition and complete with ribbon. On 30th January 1938, Hitler instituted these awards to recognise loyal service to the German people.

Item: A1
Wehrmacht Army Officers cap Wreath & Cockade in excellent un-issued condition. Well made and highly detailed. All pins are intact. Cockade stamped with ‘Ges Gesch’ or Gesetzlich Geschutzt (German equivalent of a trademark, copyright or patent) and ‘15’ inside a box for the maker: Friedrich Orth FO, Wien. Photograph showing sample and not included.

Item: A10
German WW1. ‘Old Comrades’ Pin Back Medal or Badge featuring the comrades ‘shaking Hands’. Complete with ribbon and pin back fitting for wear on the breast. Very good clean condition. Item measures 6x3cm at widest points.

Item: A30
Scarce Medaille “Füausgezeichnete Leistungen im technischen Dienst der Luftwaffe”  (For Outstanding Achievements in the Technical Branch of the Air Force). The 75mm. medallion was instituted by Reichsmarschall Göring in July 1940 to be awarded to those persons who had made a significant contribution to the technical development of the Luftwaffe. Reference: For Führer and Fatherland, Political & Civil Awards of the Third Reich. J.R.Angolia

Item: A24
‘Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42’ (Medal for the Winter Campaign in Russia 1941-42). Commonly known among the Wehrmacht as the ‘Frozen Flesh Medal’. This award was introduced on the 26th of May 1942 to recognise those who participated in the first winter of Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the Soviet Union).  The mammoth endeavour to attain "living space in the east" for Germany employed over 3 million men separated into 3 Army groups; North (Leeb), Center (Bock), and South (Rundstedt).

Item: A15
‘Scarcely seen CASED Adolf Hitler ‘Führer Plaque’ in good condition and complete with its case of issue. Very hard to find as a set! Slight age related wear to the metal. Very crisp detail. The plaque reads: “Die voraussetzung zur tat ist der wille und der mut zur wahrhaftigkeit” (The presupposition for action is the will and the courage to be true). Maker marked on the rear Adolf Trumpf, Hannover. The plaque measures 14x9.5cm. The case measures 19x14.5cm..

Item: A13
Very nice and highly detailed Third Reich Issue non-portable Award for 'Grünewoche Berlin 1934' (Green Week Berlin 1934). Nice heavy little bronze made award that measures 6.5 x 4cm. This particular award  is for 1. Preis Für Butter. Fr. Meierel Gen. Steinfeld. (1st Prize for Butter. to Ms. Meierel Steinfeld). Nice seldom seen civil award maker marked: Rob. Neff. Berlin W57.