Item: D23
Scarce Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' (Paratroopers) issue Bakelite 'Sturmstreichhölzer Gehäuse' (Match Holder & Strike) still with some of its original period matches intact. Seldom found in this complete and undamaged condition. Item measures 5.5cm x 3.5cm. Reference picture for information and not included.

Item: D33
A chance to acquire a Wehrmacht issue WORKING Bakelite ‘FF33’ (Feldfernsprecher 33) German WW2 Field telephone which is WaA stamped and maker marked ‘Hagenuk’ and dated 1937. This comes complete with winding handle. Handset also WaA stamped and dated 1940. The Bakelite case is in very nice condition with no cracks. A fine original piece of history. Great find for re-enactment or military collection. Would require 2x 1.5 volt (modern equivalent) batteries (SUPPLIED and with Battery Holder & Connected)  if to be connected if to be hooked up to another FF33 telephone. Instructions will be supplied with telephone to buyer.

Item: D26
Some fragments (12) of the original camouflage netting that was use to cover the Berghof in case of any allied raids. One attached to original wire. These were found/excavated by myself around the immediate site of Hitler's 'Berghof' mountain retreat in Obersalzberg (Berchtesgaden) on one of my many visits and stays in the local area. An unusual but historical item from an infamous place in history! In 1952, what remained of the 'Berghof' was blown up by the Bavarian government in order to prevent the site from becoming a tourist attraction, but the foundations and remains of the building still exist. Reference: Hitler's Berchtesgaden by Geoffrey R. Walden

Item: D46
Wehrmacht ‘BMR’ Instrument Gauge in very good condition although glass a bit frosted in places. Rear yellow ink stamped with the WaA mark. I have no idea what this item would measure but I am sure an expert on gauges of that period will know. Back reads: 1mA. 100Ω. 1142 Top reads: J1

Item: D35
Section of a German Wehrmacht ‘V2’ Rocket combustion chamber part showing remains of the alcohol fuel burner caps. Good condition, with surface rust. This fragment came from a South London bomb site and measures approx. 24x12cm. The V-2 with the technical name Aggregat 4 (A4), was the world's first long-range guided ballistic missile. The missile, powered by a liquid-propellant rocket engine, was developed during the Second World War in Germany as a "vengeance weapon" and assigned to attack allied cities as retaliation for the allied bombings against German cities.

Item: D4
Volksempfänger  DKE 1938 Bakelite Radio. Very clean condition inside and out apart from some damage to rear left corner, which not visible from front. The components and wiring look undamaged but dusty. Comes with UK plug but DO NOT SWITCH ON UNLESS TESTED BY EXPERT FIRST! The DKE38 radio model was produced in Germany between 1938 and 1944. Made of Bakelite, it is a miniature of the VE301 radio, also known as the Volksempfänger or “People’s radio”. The lower centre of the radio has the Eagle & Swastika. This radio was known as the “Goebbels’ Snout” because Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, was often heard on its channels. The Third Reich government subsidized the production of these inexpensive radios so that the population could listen to its propaganda.

Item: D42
Wehrmacht ‘Amp Meter’ Instrument Gauge in very good condition. Rear yellow ink stamped with the WaA836 Eagle. Back reads: 144. Nur für u.Hf. 4 AMP. Max. Belast. Ca. 6A. Schmelzstrom ca. 8A. D.R.P.a.

Item: D34
Hitler's 'Berghof' Relic! Length of original Barbed Wire that was found/excavated by myself around the immediate site of Hitler's 'Berghof' mountain retreat in Obersalzberg (Berchtesgaden) on one of my many visits and stays in the local area. An unusual but historical item from an infamous place in history! In 1952, what remained of the 'Berghof' had been blown up by the Bavarian government in order to prevent the site from becoming a tourist attraction, but the foundations and remains of the building still exist.

Item: D12
Scarce rectangular heavy metal Third Reich 'Patriotic' plaque bearing portrait in profile of Adolf Hitler in raised relief. Highly detailed and measures approx. 16x22cm. Below is the inscription "Adolf Hitler", between two raised Swastikas. Many of these privately purchased patriotic plaques were destroyed after the war. Many different designs were produced during 1933-1945. Very nice item if a little worn, but it has been through a war!

Item: D50
Date: 1939. Serial Number: 15253. Maker: Vereinigte Telefon u. Telegrafen-Werke
A chance to acquire a Wehrmacht issue WORKING Bakelite ‘FF33’ (Feldfernsprecher 33) German WW2 Field telephone, or 'FF33' complete with winding handle. The Bakelite case is in good clean condition with a few light marks/battle scars (see pictures). 'WaA' stamped by the test button. A fine original piece of history. Great find for re-enactment or military collection. Would require 2x 1.5 volt (modern equivalent) batteries to be connected (SUPPLIED with Battery Holder & Connected) if to be hooked up to another telephone. Instructions on this telephone and how to hook up to a second one, available to buyer on request.

Item: D5

Small tin of Kriegsmarine (Navy) issue 'Landfried Kautabak' (Chewing Tobacco) in very good clean condition and obviously without contents. The tobacco maker 'Landfried' was a well-known company in Heidelberg during the Third Reich. Tin has the red Kriegsmarine 'M' and Eagle & Swastika stamped to the rear. The item measures approx. 6 x 4 x 2cm.​

Item: D51
Large, very early issued Third Reich issued enamel Announcement Sign. This high quality enamel sign has wear and rust, but solid. Recently privately purchased from a family in 'Karlsfeld' in Munich and reported to have been in the family (basement) since after the war. 80 x 65cm. 'Hier Spricht Die NSDAP' (Here Speaks the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). The translation goes on to mean; People if you need counsel or help turn to the NSDAP. These signs usually were typically mounted on official buildings as well as in bigger residential apartment complexes and the "Blockwart", the lowest rank in the NSDAP rank order put the latest news of the different NSDAP organisations on the board so every fellow "Volksgenosse" (a typical Third Reich expression that meant a preferably Aryan German in good standing). This wartime  manufactured sign lists all the major Third Reich organisations that you could join, such as NSDAP, SA, SS, NSKK, HJ, NS-Frauenschaft, DAF / KDF and NSV.

Item: D47
Sd.Kfz. 251 ‘Sonderkraftfahrzeug’ half-track Wheel. Painted in tri-colour Wehrmacht Camo although uncertain if post-war re-painted but is excellent paint. Dirty and grubby but solid and heavy! Still with removable hub, very scarce with these, as usually been messed with and drilled for post war use. Nice piece of WW2 history! See pictures for condition. Item approx. 55cm diameter and weighs approx. 15kg with no packing. The Sd.Kfz. 251 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251) half-track was a World War II German armoured fighting vehicle designed by the Hanomag Company, based on its earlier, un-armored Sd.Kfz. 11 vehicle. The Sd.Kfz. 251 was designed to transport the Panzergrenadier (German mechanised infantry) into battle. Sd.Kfz. 251s were the most widely produced German half-tracks of the war, with at least 15,252 vehicles and variants produced by seven manufacturers.

Item: D41
Luftwaffe Flight instrument serial number FL32502 ‘Amp & Volt Indicator’ from German Arado Ar96B Aircraft. Glass intact. Very clean condition and with serial numbers.

Item: D21
Luftwaffe issued FuG 16-17 ‘Schwingungsanzeiger’ or Vibration Indicator Meter normally installed on the FuG 16-17 communications equipment on heavy to medium bombers etc. (see attached photograph for reference, not included). Good clean condition although white stencilling worn off. Designation: vibration Indicator. Requirement mark: Ln.26996. Type: SchA 17. Measuring range: 0 -10. Manufacturer: hdc = LGW-Hakenfelde, Berlin. Year of construction: around 1944. Installed in: in FuG16/17.

Item: D3
Excellent and rare to find nowadays, 88mm INERT complete Flak/Tank canon shell. Dated 1940 on the base of steel case, and all individual parts are stamped with the makers marks that made them. Very nice clean piece. Collection or Local meet preferable to postage due to postage prices and weight of item. The 8.8 cm KwK 36 (German: 8.8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 36) was an 88mm (3.5 in) tank/flak gun used by the German Army during World War II. This was the primary armament of the PzKpfw VI Tiger I tank. It was developed and built by Krupp. Great display item!​

Item: D15
Third Reich period advertising sign for the ‘Die Volksparole’ Newspaper. Good condition with a few scuffs, scrapes and surface rust here and there. Large heavy sign measuring 49 x 19cm. Sign reads ‘Die Volksparole. Deine Zeitung. Liegt hier aus’ (The Popular Slogan, Your Newspaper). Would have been outside any outlet selling the newspaper.

Item: D14
Very nice condition, and scarcely seen nowadays Wehrmacht field made barracks sign for '8.(M.G.) Komp.2.Batl. Inf.-Regt.55' or (8th Machine Gun Company. 2nd Battalion. 55th Infantry Regiment). Sign in Wehrmacht grey-green and measures approx. 60 x 14 x 3cm. Few knocks and scrapes to be expected. Has two screw holes either end where it would have been attached the barrack building. Excellent item in need of some historical research. 

Item: D32
Wehrmacht/Waffen SS Karabiner 98k (K98) Bayonet without Scabbard. Stamped ’43 cul’ denoting the date made was 1943 and the factory maker: Ernst Pack & Söhne. Stahlwarenfabrik, Ritterstrasse 61-69. Solingen. Nordrhein-Westfalen (cul). Also WaA stamped with the number ‘518’ for the same maker. Serial numbered 7558d. Excellent condition with 99% bluing still remaining on the blade.

Item: D45
Excellent quality made Wehrmacht Leather Cavalry saddle in very nice and usable condition. Dated 1944. Leather in excellent condition, and has a lovely sheen and patina. Straps intact. Saddle is size 1, as stamped on the rear. Leather stamped with ‘Wa136’ for the maker Salewa (Saddle Maker), München. Germany. Large and heavy item!

Item: D11
Wehrmacht large Field Kitchen issue aluminium Milk Pouring Jug in very good condition and complete with the 'WaA' maker 'DMN 39' which indicates the jug was made and issued in 1939, by the factory 'Deutsche Metallwerke AG. Neustadt'. Item measures 46cm high including the handle and 28cm wide including the handle.

Item: D13
Wehrmacht Munitions ‘Packkiste’ Packing Case size Nr.10 (73x41x30cm).
Good solid condition with a few knocks and scrapes as you would expect. Original padlock remains although at some point in its life the lock has been unscrewed from the box to enable opening. Padlock left to retain originality but can be sawn off and lock reattached if required. Retains its original Wehrmacht grey/green paint and white stencilling. Large and VERY HEAVY item.

Item: D2
Sonderkart 6 le. F.H.18. wooden Munitions crate in very good clean condition. Still complete with its canvas strap at one end. Has most of its original Wehrmacht green paint finish intact. WaA marked with the Eagle & Swastika and stamped and with the maker 'hay43' for the munitions factory 'Chr. Oestreich. Neu Isenburg' and dated 1943. Crate measures 51x17x14cm..

Item: D9
Very clean condition small Wehrmacht ‘Amp’ or ‘mA’ meter. Looks almost in un-issued condition. Range from 0 – 100 – 200 – 300 - 400 mA (milliamps). Rear stamped with serial number ‘1144’ and stamped with the ‘WaA’ Eagle & Swastika. WaA number itself is indistinct, although probably ‘836’ for the Electrical Factory, NSF, TeKaDe, Nuremberg, who produced these items. Nice item looks to be in working condition although selling as un-tested as have no means to check.

Item: D19
Kriegsmarine (Navy) Aluminium made ‘Food Strainer’ Utensil from the Galley of a German U-boat. Excellent condition. Strainer hooked to one end to enable hanging where ever possible. Handle stamped with the Kriegsmarine ‘M’ and Eagle & Swastika. Seldom found item. Measures 37cm x 12cm. The traditional truth is that the German U-boat men ate the best food of all the German forces in the war.

Item: D31
Luftwaffe '1937' Pattern Officers Dagger in excellent, highly detailed condition. Maker: Ernst Pack & Sohne. M.B.H. Waffenfabrik, Solingen. Slightly tarnished un-cleaned original condition. One-piece spirally ribbed grip in white plastic bound with silver wire. Large approximately spherical grey metal pommel embellished front and back with a swastika enclosed by wreath of oak leaves and acorns. Short metal ferrule, similarly embossed with oak leaves, separates grip from crossguard. Ornate crosspiece with broad and gently swept forward quillons. Right crossguard is adorned the Wehrmacht eagle, wings outstretched, perched upon a swastika. Rear edge of crossguard, facing grip, is incised with oak leaves and acorns. Blade form: slender double-edged tapered blade of flattened diamond section with broad flat medial ridge.

Item: D1
Excellent example of an ‘N.S.R.L.’ Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise) flag/banner pole top. Light age marks here and there but otherwise very clean. Item measures 27 x 10.5cm.

Item: D44
Third Reich Official N.S.D.A.P. or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) Enamel Headquarters Sign / Plaque. Embossed Eagle & Swastika and lettering. Sign measures approx. 49.5 x 49.5cm. Becoming very hard to find. Large & heavy item! Reference: “Wall Plaques and Official Office Signboards of Hitler’s Third Reich 1933-1945” by Saris and Gillain

Item: D37
Hitler's 'Berghof' Relic! Length of original Barbed Wire that was found/excavated by myself around the immediate site of Hitler's 'Berghof' mountain retreat in Obersalzberg (Berchtesgaden) on one of my many visits and stays in the local area. An unusual but historical item from an infamous place in history! In 1952, what remained of the 'Berghof' had been blown up by the Bavarian government in order to prevent the site from becoming a tourist attraction, but the foundations and remains of the building still exist.

Item: D18
COLLECTION ONLY.​NON EU ONLY. Very RARE Early Spec Deactivated German ‘G’ code made Karabiner 98 kurz or K98 bolt Action Rifle. Made by Nazi Germany for the Portuguese army contract. As in the case with this one, many Portuguese contract guns were not shipped and used by Germany during the war. These examples have had the Portuguese crest scrubbed. Excellent condition and complete with its original leather sling, barrel cap, and cleaning rod! An amazing grouping that’s has become very hard to find, let alone in this complete form. The K98 has many WaA. Eagle & Swastika marks and stamps and is serial numbered ‘G 4096’. Dated ‘1941’ and the factory: Mauserwerke AG Oberndorf. With Deactivation Certificate. All moving parts, cocks and dry fires etc.

Item: D8
A pair of very early quality made Third Reich Pewter Sugar Bowl (19 x 10cm) and Milk Jug (14.5 x 8.5cm). Very good condition although quite tarnished (can be cleaned but will leave that up to the buyer to decide). These would have been classed as the better quality item and privately purchased or supplied to Hotels and guest houses of the period. Both stamped with the Eagle & Swastika (see photographs) and dated 1938 within a box. Good usable items seldom seen now.


Item: D16
Boxed Luftschutz (Air Defense) 'Die Deutsche Volksgasmaske' (The German People's Gas Mask) Model VM40. In un-issued condition and complete with original instruction leaflet. Box solid and intact, lid has a few rips. Info on lid: RL1-39/87. Vertrieb gemäß 8. Luftschutzgesetz Genehmigt (RL1-39/87. Distribution according to 8. Air Protection Act Approved). Gasmask and Filter in excellent condition and stamped with 'WaA 533' for the maker: 'byd' Drägerwerk, Lübeck. 1938-1944. Also both stamped with the Eagle & Swastika. 

Item: D28
VERY clean 1944 ‘Karabiner 98k’ or K98 Bayonet. Clean Bakelite grip. Blade has 100% of its bluing remaining and scabbard also has 100% of its original finish. Bayonet blade marked ’44 pyy’  for the maker Berg & Co, Solingen. Serial number 6745d. Scabbard blade marked ‘clf44’ for the maker Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik, Solingen. Serial number 9905e. Very indistinct WaA. number also on the pommel.

Item: D40
German wartime Wehrmacht issue quality made porcelain plate in clean condition (see photographs). Plate is stamped with the Wehrmacht National Eagle & Swastika and maker marked with the firm: Rhenania, Duisdorf. Very heavy and solid piece. Measures 23.5 diameter. 4.6cm high.

Item: D49
RARE early issue Third Reich Official N.S.D.A.P. or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) Enamel Headquarters Sign / Plaque. Embossed with ‘square’ early type Eagle & Swastika and lettering. Sign measures approx. 49.5 x 49.5cm. Maker stamped and dated on the rear: M. Horig Leipzig, 1934. Large & heavy item! Reference: “Wall Plaques and Official Office Signboards of Hitler’s Third Reich 1933-1945” by Saris and Gillain.

Item: D48
German Wehrmacht ‘FF33’ Field Telephone Breast Microphone and Speaker set. Slight ‘V’ shape chip in the black Bakelite mouthpiece (see picture) but otherwise very good clean condition. Serial numbered 9117. Dated 1941, and 'WaA 898' ink stamp for the Radio Equipment maker: SAF. Complete with speaker patch lead.

Item: D36
Date: 1936. Serial Number: 26150. Maker: ‘Siemens’. A chance to acquire a Wehrmacht issue WORKING Bakelite ‘FF33’ (Feldfernsprecher 33) German WW2 Field telephone, or 'FF33' complete with winding handle. The Bakelite case is in good clean condition with some light scratches. 'WaA69' stamped for the factory 'C. Verberne. Berlin/ Neukölln'. A fine original piece of history. Great find for re-enactment or military collection. Would require 2x 1.5 volt (modern equivalent) batteries to be connected (SUPPLIED with Battery Holder & Connected) if to be hooked up to another telephone. *Bell Circuit Test: Connect the 2 terminals with wire, push the ‘test’ button while cranking the handle, it RINGS!!

Item: D52
Very nice 1943 dated 88mm (8.8cm) Flak Artillery Steel Shell Case. Fully marked with original black stencilling and stamped on the base with the usual Eagle & Swastika 'WaA A80' and 'dou' code for the factory: Waffenwerk. Brünn. A.G. The 8.8 cm Flak 18 is a German 88 mm anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery gun, developed in the 1930s. It was widely used by Germany throughout World War II and is one of the most recognised German weapons of that conflict.

Item: D7
Scarce string of 5 small Third Reich issued paper bunting/flags. Still holding on to the string although one flag detached and damaged. Flags are 12 x 22cm. Hard to find item nowadays in this condition. Would have been hung outside and inside during celebrations of the period.

Item: D24
Small Third Reich period aluminium door/wall sign plaque for 'Mitglied des Reichsluftschutzbundes' (Member of the Reich Air Protection Association). Has three small holes for attachment. Item measures 8cm. Reference: “Wall Plaques and Official Office Signboards of Hitler’s Third Reich 1933-1945” by Saris and Gillain

Item: D20
Very clean condition small Wehrmacht ‘Amp’ or ‘mA’ meter. Looks almost in un-issued condition. Range from 0 – 200 - 400 mA (milliamps). Rear stamped with serial number ‘544’ and stamped with the ‘WaA’ Eagle & Swastika. ‘WaA 836’ for the Electronics Factory NSF, TeKaDe, Nuremberg . Nice item looks to be in working condition although selling as un-tested as have no means to check.t.

Item: D25
Boxed Luftschutz (Air Defense) 'Die Deutsche Volksgasmaske' (The German People's Gas Mask) Model VM40. In un-issued condition and complete with original instruction leaflet. Box solid, intact and in excellent condition. Info on lid: RL1-39/86. Vertrieb gemäß 8. Luftschutzgesetz Genehmigt (RL1-39/86. Distribution according to 8. Air Protection Act Approved). Gasmask and Filter in excellent condition and stamped with 'WaA 104' for the maker 'byd' Drägerwerk, Lübeck. 1938-1944. Also both stamped with the Eagle & Swastika.

Item: D39
Wehrmacht ‘Amp Meter’ Instrument Gauge in very good condition. Rear yellow ink stamped with the WaA Eagle although barely visible now. Dated 1940. Back reads: für u.Hf. 4 AMP. Max. Belast. Ca. 6A. Schmelzstrom ca. 8A. 1940.

Item: D10
An MG13 Light Machine Gun Ammunition Box in excellent condition and complete with ammo clips, still pact in grease. The box has 99% of its Field Grey paint finish intact and is 'WaA' and maker marked and dated ‘BSW’ (Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke, Berlin) 1938. Photograph for reference only and not for sale.

Item: D30
Third Reich issued ‘Deutsches Rotes Kreuz or DRK’ (German Red Cross) heavy Enamel building sign or plaque with embossed Eagle & Swastika and lettering. Sign measures 50 x 50cm. Becoming very hard to find. Large & heavy item! Reference: “Wall Plaques and Official Office Signboards of Hitler’s Third Reich 1933-1945” by Saris and Gillain

Item: D29
German quality made Military Binoculars by the firm of C.P. Goerz of Berlin. 6x Heli-Trieder. D.R.P. (Deutsche Reich Patent). Complete with original leather case. Very clear optics and working, as they should although would benefit from a clean. Twin lens focus rings. These are Inter-war period and by the serial number 536294 can date them as 1921.

Item: D53
Rare and interesting item! Cast Iron heavy ornate patterned Waffle Iron from the famous 'Platterhof Hotel' located in the 'Berghof' complex on the Obersalzberg in Berchtesgaden. Stamped with the Platterhof logo and 'Platterhof küche' (Platterhof Kitchen) dated 1936. During the Third Reich, this was a grand hotel and stood only a couple of hundred yards from 'The Berghof', Hitler’s mountain retreat. Countless famous people stayed at or visited the Platterhof Hotel, including the entourage of many Axis leaders who were visiting Adolf during his stays at the complex. The distinctive logo on pre-1945 pieces depicts a peasant woman with mountains rising behind her, surrounded by an oval outline. What's left of the 'Platterhof' today is the 'Berggasthof' Restaurant and car park. Approx. 57 x 13cm at widest points.

Item: D43
German wartime Wehrmacht issue quality made porcelain square serving dish in clean condition (see photographs). Dish is stamped with the Wehrmacht National Eagle & Swastika and maker marked with the firm: Steinmann, Tiefenfurt. 1940. Very heavy and solid piece. Measures 27.5cm square. 8cm high.

Item: D17
Scarce ‘Waffen SS’ Kraftstoff 20 litre ‘Feuergefährlich’ Jerry Can or Petrol Can in very good condition. Few dents and scrapes as you would expect. Excellent Wehrmacht paint although cannot guarantee has not been re-painted at some point in it's history. Stamped with the ‘SS’ runes on the front and the maker ‘Sandrik’ below. These Waffen SS cans had no year or batch number stamped only the runes and Sandrik maker. Also please notice that on all original cans, under the filler cap, the ‘back-flow’ pipe hole was always round and NOT flat and long as the post-war reproductions have! Reference: Wehrmacht Kanister 20 Liter (The Jerrycan: A German Invention) by Philippe Leger & Stephane Arquille.

Item: D27
Third Reich issued 'Luftschutz-Hausapotheke' (Air Defence Medical Cabinet) in excellent and very usable condition. Red paint stamped with maker's details inside and on the back with the maker: M. Westermann & Co GmbH. Neheim/Ruhr, Germany. Also stamped with the code 'RL5 38/38' which denotes it has been factory approved, and dates 1938. The cabinet measures approx. 46.5 x 14 x 37cm.

Item: D38
German ‘DAF’ Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front) issue quality made porcelain plate in clean condition (see photographs). Plate is stamped with the ‘DAF’ Cogwheel & Swastika and maker marked with the firm: Bauscher Weiden. Very heavy and solid piece. Measures 23 diameter. 4.6cm high.

Item: D22
Kriegsmarine (Navy) Aluminium made ‘Meat Fork Utensil from the Galley of a German U-boat. Excellent condition. Fork hooked to one end to enable hanging where ever possible. Handle stamped with the Kriegsmarine ‘M’ and Eagle & Swastika. Seldom found item. Measures 33cm x 3.5cm. The traditional truth is that the German U-boat men ate the best food of all the German forces in the war.

Item: D6
Original and in unissued condition Wehrmacht ‘Luftwaffe’ (Airforce) issue petrol lighter. Never used but rough storage marks from over 80 years of storage. Good and usable, Just ad fuel (petrol) and fresh flint. Lighters markings stated ‘Eigentum Luftwaffe’ which means basically Property of the Luftwaffe. Standard issue and not often found unused like this.​